Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Open GL - Practical 4

Practical 4

This are some of the things we did in practical 4.
Using Open Gl to create different shapes in 3D space such as spheres and triangles.

This is the Open Gl depth test, we did this so as to practice coding shapes in 3D, this is to show whether the objects are being blocked or not.

This is the simple Final Product we had to come out with, note that this is not 4 different coloured rectangles lying on top of each other, this is just the view from 1 side, to explain this, the picture of it in 3D space is shown below.

The codes and answers to practical 4 are in the download box.


Low said...

Good work.

However, your blog has not been updated to comment on week 5.

Adam said...
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