Thursday, November 1, 2007

Computer Graphic - Open GL

Practical 2

Computer Graphic is very interesting. We were ask to get familiair with Open GL by learning the basics, Open GL is a kind of programming language that draws shapes and many other interesting stuff, a little different from C++.
We were thrown the main assignment of coding a meltdown, a meltdown is basically some sort of liquid flowing down a vertical piece of glass, where the liquid slowly melts itself down. In basic Open GL, there are 3 points to code for plotting a point, the X-axis, Y-axis and Z-axis.
So we were actually having loads of fun playing around with Open GL, occasionally disturbing each other =).
The 3 things coded are a StaticScreen, SineWave and a MeltDown.
The sample videos can be downloaded at the right hand side.

Practical 3

Again, we played around Open GL once more, this time to grasp the main concept of using it. So we did some simple shapes of different colors. What we did basically was to plot the point and make lines, squares, triangles and many other shapes. This are just some of the screenshots taken.
The sample codes can be downloaded at the right hand side.

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