This are just some info about my level of mathematics and the stuff that i learned from my first semester.
'O' Level: B3. I dont know why i got a B3 for maths and an A2 for science.... It should be the other way round, i practice so much more for my maths than my science.... Anyway maths is my favourite subject.
NYP Semester-1: D+. Pretty weird for some1 who loves maths eh? I guess that this is because i did not concentrate in lectures at all, either im talking, playing my friend's psp or just daydreaming...
But i plan to work hard for my maths this Semester-2!! So just wait and see ^^.
Semester-1 Mathematics:
Basically, there are a few main chapters to Mathematics 1. They are Mathematical Foundation, Vector Geometry & Matrices.
Mathematical Foundation is just a refreshment of our minds as it's definitely been a long time since we touch maths.
Vector Geometry is some sort of the chapter i don't really like as there are many new formulaes introduced, this is mainly because i did not take A-Maths in secondary school. Vectors are something like equations of magnitudes and direction. I learned many stuff such as vectors in 2-D and 3-D, unit and directional vector, cosines and Dot product.

Matrices is a chapter that i am really interested in, the only reason is because it is FUN!! Although it is pretty similiar to vectors, i love it as there's loads of calculation involve in it. I learned many interesting stuff such as doing matrix multiplication, Transpose and inverse of matrix, homogeneous co-ordinates.

1 comment:
Your blog has not been updated for a long time. You need to catch up on your work.
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